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shrink rap

Shrink Rap - Bobby Gillespie of Primal Scream gets psyched out on the couch

I EAT junk food becasue I can't be bothered to make anything else. I used to know how, I used to make cakes and things when I took cooking at school. But I've lost the art now, and I just get a frozen dinner from the supermarket and stick it in the oven. Or when I go out, I reckon McDonald's has an edge or Wimpy cecasue they do make checiken nuggets, and becasue Wimpy's tastes like rotten cardboards. And Casey Jones is even worse.

I NEVER, ever liked that rrecords, and I never thought the girls were good-looking either. I never thought, "Oh yeah, I'd like to f** one of those girls." Just thought, "They look really ugly," and thought the music was ugly as well. It was a scam by HcGee; he did it for a complete laugh, just to see how far it would go. A lost of people went fo rit, but when they heard the record and read the interviews with the girls, they realised they had no brains at all.

WE were coming down on the train the other day, and there was this guy on the train - I don't know how he fit into to his seat. He had to turn sideways to get through the door. He had urine stains and white trousers on, and he was sweating. He was f***ing gross. That was the biggest person I ever saw in my life.

I THINK prosititutes are agood thing. I don't want to be patronising, but I think it's ashame that somebody's gotta lie down and be f***ed up by these horrible guys to make a living, but I suppose it's a sort of safety valve for men. It's better than having loads of people raped. I don't think being a prostitute is any worse than being a head of a record company or a journalist.

YOU can walk down the street wearing leather trousers - which, to me, is inoffensive - and people wanna beat f*** out of you. It happens a lot in the suburbs, but I was on a train the other day, wearing my leather trousers, and I walked by these guys who were obviously in the army, and they were blowing me kisses and saying, "Come here, darling." "I felt like turning around and saying, "I can't wait till you get posted to Northern Ireland and the IRA blows you f***ing had off," but if I'd said it, they probably would have thrown me off the train.

HEROIN is sort of legalised in places like Liverpool, where addicts can go - I don't know what the group is; it's some council group - and they can get much better heroin and clean syringes, whereas if they get it off dealers in the street, it's been stepped on so many times; it's got aspirin and glass in it, and it really f***s up their veins. If someone wants to take heroin, you can't stop them from doing it. It's just too bad addicts have to get it from some scummy guy in the street. I hate someone making a living from someone else's misery.

IT must have been more exciting to be alive then than it is now because music is so dead now. Patti Smith once said that the only thing that keep thing that kept her alive as a teenager was waitng foe the next Stones album to come out, because she had acrsuh on Keith. I don't want to destroy anyone's dreams today, but who can 13-year-old girls look up to? There's nothing coming out today that make me go, "Wow, I must have that record!"

I only have one girlfriend. I don't like talking about ther

SOMETIMES I go into shops in London and ask for things in an America accent, just for alaugh. Like, "Excuse me, ma'am..." Do you know why Elvis used to call everyone "ma'am? Because he couldn't remember anyone's name, apparently.

THEY have this thing about "Who's got the biggest cock?" We always get called wimps, and I don't know why. Ask my checik if I'm a wimp.

THE way that writers bemoan the lack of good groups, I bemoan the lack of good writers.

Originally appeared in Melody Maker Oct 3, 1987.
Copyright © Melody Maker.



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